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FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Find all the answers to the most frequently asked questions about admissions and training at our schools in our FAQ below. For any other question, please contact us.

  • What are the fields of study covered by ParisTech schools?

ParisTech schools cover a wide range of fields of study, from civil engineering, food engineering to robotics, chemistry and physics… Curricula aim at training graduates capable of tackling key challenges of nowadays societies and sustainable development.

You can check this overview on ParisTech schools’ fields of study, or find a more detailed document here. You can also check ParisTech schools’ websites for more information on their curricula.

  • Is it possible to study computer science at ParisTech schools?

Computer science is taught in most ParisTech schools as part of their engineering degree curriculum, but no school is specialized in computer science. In most schools, computer science courses are applied to the schools’ majors: e.g., computer science for mechanical engineering, computer science for visual recognition, industry 4.0, BIM…

  • Is it possible to study aeronautics/aerospace at ParisTech schools?

Arts et Métiers, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and MINES ParisTech - PSL offer training programs in mechanics and materials preparing students to work in the aeronautical industry.

  • What are the different possibilities for studying in ParisTech schools?

The ParisTech schools primarily train graduate engineers and award the “diplôme d’ingénieur”, a Master’s level degree. However, they also co-run a wide range of Master’s courses, and accept doctoral students too.

You can apply either for a full degree program (engineering degree, Master’s degree, PhD, Advanced Master), or participate to an exchange program (usually one or two semesters).

  • Can I just study for one semester at one of your schools?

Providing your home university has signed a student exchange convention with ParisTech or the school where you would like to study at, you can do a semester as an exchange student, either on an engineering course, or (at some of the ParisTech schools) on a Master’s course (academic exchange and/or research placement).

PLEASE NOTE: Most of our engineering degrees courses are taught in French, although some are taught in English. When choosing modules for your exchange semester, it is therefore essential to take into account your level of French and/or English.

  • Do you accept students of any nationality?

On average, international students account for 30% of the student body of ParisTech schools. Our schools have established connections with universities in Argentina, Brazil, China, Columbia and Russia. Since 2021, the ParisTech International Admission Program is also open to students in Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Each school also has bilateral agreements with higher education institutions in Europe and in other countries. The schools therefore accept students of any nationality providing that the recruitment procedure is followed, and that the student fulfils the conditions of eligibility for an exchange or a full program of study.

  • What assistance is given to overseas students?

ParisTech schools provide assistance with administrative procedures, in particular visa applications. Multilingual “Welcome Desk” teams are also organized on the ParisTech campuses to help international students with administrative procedures.

To help you settle into your new life in France, all of the ParisTech schools offer intensive French language classes and student mentoring programs. Fees for the language classes vary between schools (sometimes the student is required to cover the costs, sometimes classes are partly funded by the school).

The Association Amicale Franco-Chinoise de ParisTech (ParisTech French-Chinese Friendship Society, AFCP) welcomes Chinese students who join ParisTech (airport meet-and-greet, induction week, special events throughout the year, e.g., Moon Festival Gala, Forum Horizon China, etc.).

More information

  • Do the schools offer extra-curricular activities (sport, culture, etc.)?

There are many student societies at the different schools. You can join a sports team and take part in competitions for example, and there are also lots of cultural societies, humanitarian groups, junior enterprises, etc.

More information

  • What administrative procedures are involved for studying in France?

Please refer to the CampusFrance website.

We recommend that you contact the Office of International Relations at the ParisTech school where you would like to study. All email addresses are available here.

  • What degrees are awarded?

Each school awards a specific engineering degree. Engineering degrees are Master’s level qualifications, so graduates can choose to do a PhD immediately afterwards.

  • Is the engineering qualification recognized internationally?

The engineering qualifications awarded by the ParisTech schools are accredited in France by the Commission des titres d’ingénieur (CTI) and automatically awarded the EUR-ACE (European Accredited Engineer) label. The CTI has signed recognition agreements with several countries (Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United States, Canada, etc.). The French engineering qualification is also recognized by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) at Master’s level. 

Moreover, most of the partnerships within this International Admission Program include double degree programs, so you could get the French Diplôme d’ingénieur and the diploma of your home university. You have to check the conditions for each partner university on the relevant country webpage.

  • What subjects are taught?

ParisTech schools offer a broad range of subjects, including agronomy, financial mathematics, civil engineering, chemistry, physics, optics, etc. All of the schools are leaders in their fields of specialty. The full list of subjects is available here. We also recommend that you consult the webpage of each school for more information and their website.

  • What teaching methods are used?

ParisTech schools offer a pedagogy combining theory and practice, adapted both to the needs of companies that will ultimately recruit students, and to the development of skills allowing students to move on to research or entrepreneurship. Students benefit from privileged supervision. They often work in project mode, in teams. They do an internship every year. Training is backed by research. Between 20% and 70% of engineering students choose to pursue a PhD after obtaining an engineering degree.

  • What diploma is required to be admitted at a ParisTech school?

The level of qualification required (Bachelor’s, Master’s) vary depending on the country of origin. Details are given in the partnership agreements concluded between ParisTech and its overseas partner universities. The schools do not accept students who have not completed at least 2 years of higher education.

Please check below questions on the ParisTech International Admission Program.

  • What are the application deadlines for engineering degrees?

If you are a student in ArgentinaBrazilChinaColombia or Russia or other regions and countries in Asia (Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam), you can apply via the ParisTech International Admission Program. Applications start each year’s June 1st. Applicants take a scientific test in the following autumn. Those who pass the test are then invited to an interview and, in some cases, a school-specific scientific examination. Results are notified to applicants at the end of November, and courses start end of August or in September the following year (or the year after for students coming from Russia).

Each of the ParisTech schools has also signed agreements with partner institutions outside of ParisTech. In this case, specific application procedures and deadlines apply. Please contact the school in question for details.

If there is no agreement between your home university and the ParisTech school you are interested in, you may contact the school directly or apply through GEI-UNIV.

  • What level of French is required?

Once admitted at a ParisTech school through the International Admission Programme, you will need to learn French and reach a B1 level proficiency before your departure to France. By the end of your studies in our schools, a B2 level proficiency will be required for obtaining your degree (levels defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Indeed, the schools cannot award an engineering degree to a student who has not achieved a B2 level in French.

Nonetheless, it is not compulsory to provide a language certificate before coming to France except for two schools:

1. Arts et Métiers asks you to prove a B2 French level proficiency before your arrival in France. You have to provide a DELF B2 certificate. If you cannot pass the DELF test, you can:

  • either pass a TEF B2 or TCF B2 including at least the 4 following competences: written comprehension, oral comprehension, written expression, oral expression;
  • or pass a language test (without certificate) with a French teacher from Arts et Métiers. In this case, you will have to pass the DELF B2 test during you stay in France in order to obtain the engineering degree.

French native speakers are not required to provide French certificate.

2. Ecole des Ponts ParisTech asks you to provide an English certificate before the month of June preceding your arrival in France.

3. Mines ParisTech - PSL requires a level of at least B1 in French since 95% of the courses are taught in French. It is expected that all students provides a French language certificate: TEF: 204 ; DELF: A2 ; TCF: 200.  Candidates applying in November as degree students and who has not passed yet any French exam, can provide this certificate after the admission, but before the beginning of the courses.

  • Are there a lot of young women at ParisTech schools?

ParisTech schools host from 20 to 60% young women. They are welcome. Young women get specific support and each school conduct activities in favor of gender equality.

Young women have very interesting job opportunities after studying at a ParisTech school because companies want to recruit more women for engineering positions. 

  • How can I find accommodation in France?

The campuses where the schools are located offer student accommodation (flats or studio apartments) at affordable rents (approx. € 380/month). You may also be eligible for housing benefit.

  • Do you offer any student bursaries or scholarships?

You have first to be selected by one of the ParisTech schools. Then, the school may request a scholarship or support you in your individual application.

For top international students, the ParisTech schools can request an Eiffel Scholarship from the French government.

Bursaries can also be awarded by their home universities as part of the FITEC programs (BRAFITEC for Brazil, ARFITEC for Argentina, MEXFITEC for Mexico) or specific programs in the field of agronomy (BRAFAGRI for Brazil and ARFAGRI for Argentina) for Latin America.

Brazilian students must apply directly to CAPES for the bursary, specifying the relevant program (BRAFITEC or BRAFAGRI).

We recommend that you contact the Head of International Relations at your university to find out what funding opportunities are available.

Chinese students can request a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC).

Argentinian students can request a scholarship from the BECAR program.

The schools can also support European students via Erasmus+ mobility grants where applicable.

The schools and their foundations may also offer some specific scholarships.

Partner companies from each school might fund some scholarships.

  • How to get an Eiffel scholarship from the French government?

You have first to be selected by one of the ParisTech schools. According to your academic records (GPA, ranking), the schools may decide to submit your application to Eiffel’ scholarship from the French government.

Only the best students may have the opportunity to obtain the Eiffel fellowship.

  • What about internships during the engineering curriculum?

Internships are compulsory during the engineering curriculum. If you arrive in the second year within the ParisTech International Admission Program, you will do an internship each year,during several months (from 3 to 6). You can do the internships in a company, or, if you are interested in pursuing with a PhD, you can do it in a lab in your school or elsewhere.

  • Can I do an internship in a company in France?

Internships are a mandatory part of the engineering programs at all of the ParisTech schools. If you are accepted onto a full course of study, you will therefore be required to do an internship. We recommend that international students do their internship in France, unless they are specifically required to return to their home country.

The schools have teams that can help students find a placement. Internships are very popular in France, so lots of companies offer them because they recognize the high-level qualification of ParisTech schools’ students.

 Before a student starts working in a company, the internship program is discussed with the ParisTech school. However, it is up to the company to decide whether or not they accept a particular student for an internship.



  • I am French (with or without dual nationality), and I live in one of the countries or regions targeted by the ParisTech International Admission Programme (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, China, Russia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam). Am I allowed to apply to it?

If you are French (or binational), you can apply to the ParisTech International Admission Programme under the condition that you are enrolled in a bachelor programme in a non-French university.

If you have obtained your « baccalauréat » in France and you are now an exchange student abroad, you are not eligible. You have to pass the national competitive examination dedicated to French candidates.

  • I am Chinese/Malaysian/…, but I am registered in a bachelor programme at a university in Singapore/Japan/South Korea… To which campaign should I apply to (my home country or the country where I am currently a student)?

You have to apply in the country/region where you are currently a student.

e.g.:  If you are Chinese, but enrolled in a bachelor programme in Singapore, you have to apply through the “Other regions and countries in Asia » campaign.

  • When should I apply for the ParisTech International Admission Program?

You can apply to this Program once a year. The application platform opens each year on June 1st. You will find the detailed calendar on each country webpage.

If you are interested in the ParisTech International Admission Program, you should apply

- in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia: when you have completed 5 semesters (or, in 2020, because of COVID-19 crisis, if you are currently finishing the 5th semester);

- in Russia: during the 3rd year of Bakalavrat. If you are selected, you will achieve the first year of Master’s degree at your home university and then come to Paris (cf. Eligibility criteria).

- in China: between the 3rd and the 4th year of benke; students who got the benke more than 2 years ago are ineligible;

- In Asia (Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Macau, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam): you should apply during the summer preceding the last year of your bachelor degree. Candidates who graduated more than 2 years before application are ineligible to the program.

To clarify, you apply in 2021 to come to France in September 2022, or even in September 2023 for Russian applicants.

If you are in another situation, please contact the International Office of your home university if it is a partner university of ParisTech.

  • Do you have to pay for application in the ParisTech International Admission Program?

No, you don’t have to pay for application.

  • What’s the applicant’s academic profile?

ParisTech schools are enrolling students coming from different disciplines, with a good background in basic sciences, especially in mathematics.

Your level in mathematics and physics should be excellent. Proficiency in courses that are significant in the domain you apply for, is also highly recommended.

It is recommended that you have an excellent GPA. It should be above 80/100, but it may vary from one university to another one, and depending of the local environment.

But the GPA is not the only criteria. The jury will look at the transcript of records, especially in the disciplines you want to study in France, and it will also pay attention to your ranking, the results of the written test, your experience (internships, projects), your motivation, the relevance of your project and finally, your capacity to adapt in a French environment.

The jury is aware of the GPA differences between countries and even between universities, and takes it into consideration.

If you have a very good GPA, but a low ranking, and you succeed in the test and in the interview, you have good chance to be selected.

  • Is there any age limit to apply in the ParisTech International Admission Program?

Double degree programs: there is no particular age limit to apply, but there might be an age limit for some scholarship programs like Eiffel.

Candidates from Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam can apply to the Paris International Admission Program within two year after obtaining their bachelor degree.

  • Can you apply in English, French or in your own language?

The application form is in English and you can fill it in English or in French. You can submit the required documents in French, if available.

Since 2020, the online test is only in English.

Recommendation letters can be written in English, French or even as an exception, if English of French is not possible, in another language (Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese).

  • Do I have to provide an English certificate when applying to the programme?

You can upload an English certificate on the application platform, but it is not compulsory. Nonetheless, you will be tested in English during the interview and the Admission Board will pay attention to your scores in English in your academic transcripts.

You don’t have to provide any English certificate before coming to France (except for Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, for which you will have to transmit an official English certificate before June). But you should be aware that a B2 level in English will be required to obtain the engineering degree.

  • Is there any admission exam?

Within the ParisTech International Program, you have to pass an online scientific test in English. There are two parts: the first part is dedicated to mathematics and the second part to the discipline(s) you are interested in (mathematics, physics, chemistry, life sciences). You will find more details about the program by discipline and sample questions on the country webpage.

The test will be in English. The interview can be either in English or in French.

  • How to prepare for the admission exam?

Rankings and academic records will be relatively important.

To prepare the scientific test:

- Get solid foundations in mathematics

- Be excellent in the relevant domain: physics, chemistry and/or life sciences.

To prepare your professional project letter and the interview:

- Dedicate time to write your cover letter and prepare yourself for the interview.

- Highlight the link between your application and your previous academic and professional experiences.

- Know the ParisTech schools: characteristics, specialties, curricula, work prospects for its graduates; carefully read the schools’ websites.

- Have a clear path into the future and a draft on your career planning: positions, industries, companies…; think about what you want to try, what you want to do.

- Know what motivates you.

- Have a global understanding on French companies.

You can read the interview of a Chinese student who was successfully admitted at a ParisTech school. She gives some useful tips and advice here.

  • Which ParisTech school to choose?

While applying to ParisTech International Admission Program, your application will be considered by all ParisTech schools involved in the program, at least those offering a program in the domain you are interested in. You can apply for all schools where your profile is relevant. We will ask you to rank the schools by order of preference after the interview. If several schools you ranked are interested in your application, you will only receive the offer from the school you ranked the highest. Finally, you will have to confirm this offer.

To pick the relevant schools, we strongly recommended you thoroughly check ParisTech website, and then, the ParisTech schools' websites.

  • Is it possible to change your major?

Yes, it is possible to change your main field of studies while applying to ParisTech program. Nevertheless, the schools will check carefully that the applicant background enables him/her to follow the courses in the selected field of studies. The interview will be crucial to explain your choice, so that the jury can give you advice.

For double degree students, their home university should also validate the applicant's fields of studies choices.

  • How many students are selected within the ParisTech International Admission Program each year?

There is no quota. The number of students recruited may vary, depending of the excellence of the candidates. ParisTech selected for instance about 140 students in 2019. The ratio of selected candidates/eligible candidates is between 30 and 50%.

  • Should I already speak French when I apply to the program?

You don’t need to speak French when you apply. English is enough to apply and undergo the interview.

But if you are selected, you need to learn French between the publication of the results and your arrival in France. You should then contact the international Office of your university to identify the better way to do that (French course at the university, in an Alliance Française, or somewhere else). Each ParisTech school will also offer you French courses during your stay in France and even propose you some solutions (e.g., intensive course in France during several weeks in summer – at your expense in some schools) just before starting of the academic year in France. Indeed, you will need a French certificate to hold a visa and some scholarships.

 Some resources to learn French

  • What are the tuition fees?

If you are selected within the ParisTech International Admission Program, each ParisTech school has different tuition fees: there are available on the country webpage.

You will have to pay CVEC (about 90 euros per year). More information here.

  • How do I apply for a Master’s degree?

Each degree has its own specific application procedure. Please visit the website of the Master’s course you are interested in for details. A selection of the Master’s programs co-run by ParisTech schools is available here.

  • What level of French is required?

The Master’s programs are taught in French and/or English. The language of teaching is indicated on the webpage of each Master’s course.

  • Can I do an internship in a company in France?

The rules about internships are different for different Master’s courses. Please check the curriculum of the course you are interested in to find out the specific requirements for the final-year project. The schools have teams that can help students find a placement. Internships are very popular in France, so lots of companies offer them. However, it is up to the company to decide whether or not they accept a particular student for an internship.

  • How do I apply to do a PhD at one of the ParisTech schools?

If you want to do a PhD at one of the laboratories run by the ParisTech schools, we recommend that you contact the laboratory directly to introduce yourself and identify a potential supervisor and PhD topic. To do a PhD, you must have been accepted by the laboratory and have the necessary funding.

A list of the laboratories run by the ParisTech schools is available here.

  • What level of French is required?

If you are coming to France to do a PhD, we strongly recommend that you make sure your level of French is sufficient for handling day-to-day interactions. However, you can also work in English in the ParisTech laboratories.

  • Is there any funding available for PhDs?

In France, doctoral students must have funding for their PhD studies. There are several possible sources of funding, in particular:

  1. Some laboratories offer doctoral contracts;
  2. Many doctoral students at ParisTech schools apply for a CIFRE contract with an industrial company;
  3. Other sources of funding may also be available, for example Chinese doctoral students may be eligible for a grant from the China Scholarship Council, Mexican students from CONACYT, etc.


ParisTech – CSC PhD program

  • I would like to apply to the ParisTech – CSC PhD Program, how should I proceed?

Each year in October, ParisTech posts a list of PhD topics offered by its schools on its website. You will find all relevant information on the application process here.

We strongly recommend candidates to contact thesis supervisors who propose topics of interest to them before the interview, which takes place in January.

  • Can I apply for several thesis subjects offered by ParisTech?

You can be interested by multiple PhD topics, and hence contacts multiple supervisors. However, you can only apply to the CSC scholarship for one topic. Therefor only one doctoral school will give you a conditional admission letter for the scholarship application.

  • When will I know if I am admitted?

On ParisTech side, you will know if a supervisor/lab accepts your application if/when you receive a conditional admission letter that will allow you to apply for a CSC scholarship through the CSC – ParisTech program.

As far as the CSC is concerned, you will know the results in May or June. If you are granted a CSC scholarship, you will then receive an unconditional admission letter from the relevant school.

  • Can I apply to the ParisTech – CSC PhD program if I am already working?

Candidates already working can apply for a CSC - ParisTech scholarship. They must, however, make sure that their project is supported by their employer, or that they can afford to take a break from their working life for 3 to 4 years.

  • What types of PhD can be funded by the ParisTech – CSC PhD Program?

The ParisTech – CSC PhD program can finance:

  1. A full PhD in France
  2. A co-supervised PhD
  3. A visiting Sandwich PhD

Applicants must define with their French supervisors (and supervisors from their home university in the case of co-supervised PhD, or visiting sandwich PhD) the type of PhD they wish to apply for the program. The documents required for each type of PhD may vary.

  • I already know the French PhD supervisors, and they have already sent me a conditional admission letter: should I still take the ParisTech interview?

The ParisTech interview is not optional: to appear on the list sent by ParisTech to the CSC, you must follow all the stages of the procedure, and therefore pass the interview with the ParisTech jury.

  • I missed the deadline for submitting application files, can I still apply?

You cannot apply for the ParisTech - CSC PhD program, but you can nevertheless contact the supervisors of the subjects that interest you, and either:

- apply individually for a CSC scholarship if the supervisors accept your application before the deadline for submitting your application to the CSC,

- or seek other sources of funding with your supervisors.

  • How many candidates apply each year?

About one hundred candidates submit an application every year. Between 30 and 50 obtain a conditional admission letter, and are shortlisted by ParisTech for a CSC scholarship application.