30 years ParisTech in Shanghai (May 2021)
Discover on this page the testimonies of ParisTech schools alumni.
The alumni of ParisTech schools are trained to work in every sector even if each school has a privileged one. They work then either in engineering or consulting or academia and research. They work in the industry, in the services or even in the public administration. They work as manager, consultant or researcher etc. They work in big companies or in SMEs. Some of them have decided to create their own company, a startup. They work in France or abroad.
Briefly, the ParisTech engineers are able to work in any environment, in any place. Each of them exploits the opportunities offered by ParisTech schools to find his/her way in the world and to contribute to sustainable development and social progress through innovation in science and technology.
Some of them share their experience here.
JIANG Kaizhong (SouthEast University/Mines Paris - PSL)
Jiang Kaizhong came to Mines Paris and obtained was graduated from Mines Paris - PSL. He works now at BNP Paribas, one of the biggest French bank companies.
Ivy SOUSA (UNICAMP / AgroParisTech) works at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach (USA).
LI Zijiao (Nanjing University / AgroParisTech) works in London
She worked first 3 years at Ernst & Young in Paris and now in London at Asos (fashion e-commerce).
Bruna RODRIGUES (USP-ESALQ) spent a year at AgroParisTech.
She works at John Deere in the United States.
Regina Alves (Brazil) R&D engineer at Petrobras.
She obtained a diplôme d’ingénieur from Arts et Métiers.
Kaisheng Liu (China)
He has joined Alstom in 2008 and works in R&D on the urban transit system management. He obtained the double degree of IFCIM (Sino-French Institute for Engineering and Management) which was established by Tongji University and ParisTech. Then he did his PhD at LVMT (Lab City Mobility Transport) of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech in partnership with RATP, the transport company in Paris.
Shanping ZHANG (Tongji University / Arts et Métiers)
She works as quality manager at Cameron (Schlumberger group) in China. Cameron is the leading provider of flow equipment products, systems and services to worldwide oil, gas and process industries.
Han WANG (ESPCI Paris – PSL / Mines Paris – PSL)
He is engineer at Lego in Denmark. Han WANG obtained his bachelor degree at Fudan University (Shanghai). Then he obtained the engineering degree from ESPCI Paris and a double degree with Mines Paris. Then he did a PhD with Mines Paris and Christian Dior Parfums before he has joined Lego in Denmark
A French and Hong Kongese alumni of Chimie ParisTech, cofound the startup Winko Solar to develop solar energy in Africa. His company is based in Shanghai.
Alumni Arts et Métiers, consultant in digital transformation in Shanghai
Thibaut is also the coordinator of ParisTech Alumni in Shanghai (China)
Research director at CNRS. Deputy director of Institut d’Optique in charge of the Bordeaux campus, he is one of the co-founders of the startup Muquans. He tells us also about his cooperation with China. He is an alumni of Institut d'Optique.
Adjunct professor at Pontíficia Universidate Católica de Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). After graduation at Chimie ParisTech - PSL in 2012, he did his PhD in Brazil and pursues his academic career there.
Project Management Advisor at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). She obtained a double degree from Chimie ParisTech - PSL and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
Worldwide DELMIA Supply Chain Consultant for Dassault Systemes near to Paris. 29-year-old Indian, he obtained a double degree from Arts et Métiers in France.
Business and Technology Developer for a water company owned by the government. She cames from Indonesia and she got an advanced master "Water for all" at AgroParisTech in France (2022).